Anti Ragging - Profile
Creating organization-wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance is crucial for fostering a healthy and ethical work environment. Zero-tolerance policies are often implemented to address specific behaviours or issues, such as discrimination, harassment,fraud, or other forms of misconduct. To establish and promote such policies N.S.P.R. Govt.Degree College for Women takes all the measures as follows:
College developed clear code of conduct to both the students and staff and strictly articulates the behaviours or actions that are unacceptable within the organization.
A comprehensive policy document has been drafted which outlines the consequences for violating the zero-tolerance policy.
The policy is ensured in compliance with relevant laws and regulation
Code of conduct and draft policy are communicated to all employees, students and other stakeholders. Multiple channels such as college website, handbooks and wall poster displays are used to convey the message.
Awareness programs and training sessions are conducted at all levels to ensure that they understand the policy and its implications.
Real-life scenarios are included in training programs to help employees recognize potential violations.
A confidential and accessible reporting mechanism is established to report violations without fear of retaliation.
It is assured to all the stakeholders that all the reports are taken seriously, thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions are taken.
Zero-tolerance policy is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with organizational goals.
The effectiveness of the policy is monitored through metrics such as the number of reported incidents and their resolution.
Zero-tolerance policy is aligned with local, state, and federal laws to avoid legal complications.
By taking a comprehensive approach that includes policy development, communication, training, leadership commitment, reporting mechanisms, enforcement, and ongoing
monitoring, an organization can establish and maintain a culture that promotes zero tolerance for unethical or inappropriate behaviour.The college has an anti-ragging cell, grievance redressal cell and discipline committee toaddress all related issues.
The students must observe the following rules of discipline:
Students must be regular and punctual in their attendance.
Students must wear uniform on the prescribed days mandatorily.
The use of mobile phones in the college campus is strictly prohibited.
Any use of unfair means during examinations will be severely punished.
Students must help to keep the college clean and the campus as no-plastic zone.
Students must not go outside the college during college hours.
Students will not be allowed to have entry in college without valid identity card.