Discipline of Political Science carries great importance in today’s world. It encompasses every field in its scope. State has emerged with multiple responsibilities in present times of Globalization, and durability of any State depends on the performance of its duties. The State works in environment which can be further divided into internal and external environment. Thus study of Political Science include study of state and elements of environment also which provides for introduction of interdisciplinary approach in Political Science. Taking in to consideration essence of study Department of Political Science has always tried to introduce courses which will provide holistic study of the discipline.
Department has always tried to focus on its thrust areas in academics. The Thrust areas are Political Theory, Political Thought, especially Gandhi & Nehru, Political process & Socio - Political movements in India. Department always organizes student centric programmes to enhance academics and expertise in the discipline. It has organized activities like review of work of Local Self Government like Zilla Parishad, Panchayat Samiti, Gram Panchayat, Gram sabha and administrative offices as well. During these visits students observe and study work going on.
Many of the students of the Department come from Rural areas , some belong to the underprivileged sections of rural society. The faculty strives to improve their knowledge of the past and their skills at analytical thinking, coherent argument, and clarity of expression. Remedial Coaching ,Guest Lectures, and Co curricular activities are organized to equip them to make informed choices about their careers.
Brief History of the Department:
The department of Political Science was started since the inception of the college in the year 1987.The Government of A.P. Sanctioned one post of lecturer. Later B.A. (HUCA) UM also introduced in the year 2005. Well experienced lecturers served the department for 32 years. B. Ravi Naik lecturer in Political Science, Newly posted at this college on 14/07/2021.
The Department is offering B.A. with the combinations of History, Economics, Political Science and History, Advanced Urdu, Computer Application. Majority of the students hails from rural area and Economically Weaker sections of the society.